Apple planning March event for Apple Watch 2 and iPhone 6c, claims report
Here’s when to expect the next batch of Apple goods

Here’s when to expect the next batch of Apple goods
Put those battery woes to rest (at the expense of bulkier pockets)
Latest report suggests 4in model will be a hybrid iPhone 5s and 6
Grab the morning’s top tech news, all in one spot
Apple is likely to stick with LCD displays in the coming years, he says
Get the week going with our roundup of top tech news tidbits
A compact blast of gadget and games news to start the day
Get your iPhone or iPad ready – the first big iOS 9 update is here
What’s the point of having innovation at your fingertips if you don’t know how to make the most of it?
The company says smartphone stamina discrepancies don’t apply in “real-world” use