13 scariest horror movies ever
In honour of Halloween, we've dug out the 13 scariest horror films of all time

In honour of Halloween, we’ve checked all the doors are locked, cuddled up to our favourite teddy bear and dug out the 13 scariest horror films of all time…
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

For a whole generation, Freddy Krueger was the source of more nightmares than a convent-school head nun. Ignore the ill-chosen Dennis the Menace shirt; it’s all about the fire-damaged pizza complexion, the slasher glove and – here’s the kicker – the fact that he only appears when you fall asleep. Anyone else fancy a late one tonight?
The Shining (1980)

“Here’s Johnny!” All work and no play made Jack Nicholson a dull boy in Kubrick’s chilling screenplay adaptation of Stephen King’s novel about a family looking after an isolated, snow-bound hotel for the winter. Most parents can sympathise with a loss of temper after discovering their child has been scrawling lipstick on the mirror. Not all of them start smashing down doors with a hatchet afterwards.