Fully Charged: OK Go releasing album as DNA, Destiny’s first expansion exposed, and the Galaxy S5 fell well short of sales targets
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OK Go’s new album coming as DNA
Power pop band OK Go is best known for its elaborate, meme-ready music videos, which have at times utilized new technology to create amazing scenes. Now the band plans to innovate in another way, by releasing a very special edition of its new album – called Hungry Ghosts – as DNA.
Yes, that DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The band is working with Sri Kosuri, biochemist at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), whose previous conversion of a book into DNA got their attention. It’s a matter of transferring one kind of code (digital) to another (genetic), and the result could merely look like a few drops of water in a vial. Except it’ll have many thousands of copies of the album encoded within.
Well, at least that’s what it might look like, if they can sort out the logistics. “Legally speaking, it’s unclear whether we will be able to sell the DNA to anyone, or how we would physically get it to them,” said singer Damian Kulash to the New Yorker. “Obviously, it’s an artistic gesture and a scientific project, not the most efficient way to actually buy our album.”
[Source: The New Yorker]
Destiny’s first expansion exposed
If you’re still hooked on Bungie’s amazing online shooter, Destiny (like we are), then you’re no doubt looking forward to digging into The Dark Below, the first big expansion pack. It’s due out on 9 December, and above you’ll find an official deep dive into what it entails, including new story content, multiplayer maps, and customization options.
[Source: YouTube]
READ MORE: Destiny review
Galaxy S5 sales missed targets

According to a report out of The Wall Street Journal this week, Samsung’s current flagship smartphone – the Galaxy S5 – significantly underperformed compared to both the previous model and the company’s own expectations.
Samsung produced 20% more initial units of the S5 than it did for the S4, but sales were about 40% less than expected – about 12 millions units reached consumers in the first three months, while the S4 sold 16 million in the same span. Do the math, and it sounds like several million handsets were “piling up in warehouses,” says the report, forcing Samsung to amp up its marketing spend to get them moving.
The company’s recent third-quarter profits were down 60% on plummeting smartphone sales, and an executive recently admitted that Samsung would streamline its device portfolio next year. We found the Galaxy S5 to be another excellent phone, but “it doesn’t quite go above and beyond” compared to some more exciting competitors, says our review. Hopefully the S6 can make a bigger leap.
[Source: The Wall Street Journal via The Verge]
READ MORE: Samsung Galaxy S6 preview
New Batman: Arkham Knight trailer
Batman: Arkham Knight is easily one of the most anticipated games of 2015, and thanks to this new clip, we have a litany of fresh reasons as to why. It’s the first of three new trailers (the next is due in a week) spotlighting the Ace Chemicals Infiltration mission, and it serves up more than three minutes of trimmed gameplay and cinematic footage that focuses only on the awesome-looking stuff. So, pretty much all of it.
[Source: YouTube]
READ MORE: Batman: Arkham Knight preview