“Alexa, is one royal enough?” Amazon’s assistant gets Jubilee-ready
Establish your claim to the monarchy - or just learn the right way to stir a cuppa - with Alexa's Jubilee-themed skills

If Her Madge celebrating seventy years on the throne this week has brought out your inner royalist, you’re going to need more than bunting and a slice of Platinum pudding to celebrate properly. Just ask Alexa. Amazon’s smart assistant has been updated with a new quiz that’ll tell you exactly how royal you really are.
Now you can ask any Alexa-equipped device “Alexa, how royal am I?”. the AI will rattle off a set of questions designed to separate the princes from the paupers, with head-scratchers like what was the name of the Queen’s first corgi, what’s her favourite football team, and how many UK Prime Ministers has she had the pleasure (or displeasure) of meeting.

Alexa has also been taking tips from the Queen’s former chef Darren McGrady, etiquette specialist William Hanson and royal correspondent Jennie Bond on how to enjoy afternoon tea like a monarch. Never panic about whether to go jam- or cream-first on your scones, whether to extend a pinkie before sipping your brew, or whether egg mayo or cheese and cucumber should be your sandwich of choice.
Anyone with an Amazon Echo will know Alexa is a veritable fountain of trivia, useful or otherwise, and that’s true of all things Q.E.II. You can now ask her whether the Queen needs a passport, how many corgis she owns, what two days she celebrates her birthday and just about anything else HRH fans would want to know. You can even ask for an enthusiastic rendition of the national anthem, or an impression. One is presumably not amused. (wait, that’s the wrong Queen).

“The Jubilee is a unique and historic occasion, and I’m sure it’s got many Brits across the country questioning whether they could live the royal life themselves.” said Jennie Bond. “I’m lucky enough to have spent a fair bit of time around the royal family, so I know exactly what it takes to keep the company of those in Buckingham Palace.”