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Home / Features / This Levoit Tower Fan is saving my sleep through the summer heat

This Levoit Tower Fan is saving my sleep through the summer heat

Keep cool this summer.

Levoit Tower Fan

When summer rolls on in and the temperatures rise, my sleep suffers. I toss and turn in my bed, gasping for breath in the thick, humid air. I wake up several times a night, either entangled in my sheets or starfished on top of the bed. However, I make the same mistake every year. Just when I think it’s a smart idea to invest a fan, I search online to find they’ve all but sold out wherever I look. That’s why this year, I’ve beat the crowds and picked up the Levoit Classic Tower Fan.

Having experienced some rare heat here in the UK, I already know this fan will be my best friend throughout the summer. One of its major features is found in the built-in sensor that powers the Auto Mode. This allows the fan to automatically make adjustments based on room temperature, ensuring a balanced temperature. But for me, its greatest strength is in its convenience. It features an LED screen to easily tweak the fan’s settings, and a remote control means you can make adjustments without ever needing to leave your bed. It’s also relatively sleek, at least compared to other fans on the market.


Levoit Tower Fan

Light sleepers shouldn’t need to worry about constant noise while you’re trying to nod off either. The fan operates to noise levels as low as 20dB in Sleep Mode, or up to 48dB in Turbo Mode. All this power doesn’t mean it’ll damage your energy bills, either. Compared to traditional fans, users can save up to 45.3% on energy costs. It’s important to note however that this was tested by Levoit internally.

OK, I get it. Electric fans aren’t exactly the sexiest gadget to dedicate an article too, but I already know the Levoit Classic Tower Fan will be my saviour this summer. So in that I plead with you, dear reader, to not make the same mistakes I have for so long. Buy one before it’s too late.

Profile image of Jack Needham Jack Needham


A writer of seven years and serial FIFA 23 loser, Jack is also Features Editor at Stuff. Jack has written extensively about the world of tech, business, science and online culture. He also covers gaming, but is much better at writing about it than actually playing. Jack keeps the site rolling with extensive features and analysis.