The ten commandments of Overwatch
Colourful and joyful it may be, but Overwatch is also mighty competitive - here's how to master it

The Overwatch open beta has officially begun! For the next five days you can sample Blizzard’s latest masterpiece without spending a penny.
Us lucky Stuffers have had access to the game for months already, though, and being the benevolent folks we are have assembled our collective experience into a bunch of tips and tricks so that you can properly compete is this short window of gameplay before the final launch.
And it’s really not just about you. This is a team game, and the friends and random gamers that are allies in battle are relying on you to hold your own, so think of these less as simple tips and more as commandments. You’ll have more fun when you win, too.
Wondering why you should be excited by Overwatch? Check out our beta review here.
1) Thou shalt not assemble an unbalanced team

The side packing the most effective mix of heroes generally wins out. If you’re without a support hero or a tank then you probably won’t weather the enemy assault. Equally, without enough offense your opponents won’t have to defend and can concentrate on attacking, in which case they’ll simply steamroll you.
If there’s a gap in your team, fill it – don’t be selfish.
2) Thou shalt not lose sight of the objective

Yes, we know it’s tempting to wander around trying to rack up kills, but if you’re not pushing that payload or securing that capture point, you’re not going to win. Don’t get distracted – always remember your goal.
3) Thou shalt not rigidly stick to one hero

Team compositions will change throughout the match, ensure that you’re counter-picking and changing your hero if necessary.
The charge gauge for your ultimate attack will return to 0%, but it’s worth it: flexible teams can dynamically respond to any situation, those that refuse to switch will be punished.
4) Thou shalt zealously smite down the enemy’s support heroes

Mercy, Zenyatta and Lucio can be a royal pain the backside, especially when Mercy is constantly resurrecting teammates.
Track down and put down the support heroes as quickly as possible, otherwise the rest of your job will be twice as hard. Assassins should make a beeline for Mercy the second her winged silhouette comes into view.
5) Thou shalt swarm around choke points

If you’re defending, choke points are your best (completely inanimate) friend. All too often defending teams attempt to engage the enemy outside their base rather than clustering outside the first choke.
You stand the best chance of stopping them here so get settled in and mount your first defense.
6) Thou shalt not waste an ultimate

Be conservative with your ultimate abilities. Occasionally deploying them defensively is warranted, but they’re far more effective when used in a deliberate, coordinated fashion.
Don’t be afraid to accept a single death knowing that when you respawn you can launch that devastating Dragonstrike properly.
7) Thou shalt talk to one’s team

Black Ops III might forgive complete radio silence, but in Overwatch communication makes a massive difference.
You don’t have to be a damned chatterbox, but do indicate when your ultimate is ready to deploy and when you want allies to group up using the quick comms menu. They’ll get the idea.
8) Thou shalt not be ‘that guy’

Whatever you do, don’t get angry with your squad, this is the beginning of the end for any team.
It sounds like common sense, but if someone is struggling then go to their aid rather than typing the dreaded ‘n00b!!!’
9) Thou shalt hide behind the payload

So many teams struggle with the Escort game mode because their positioning is off.
The payload itself makes for a great mobile shield – if you know the enemy is in front, use it for cover whilst steadily moving it forward.
10) Thou shalt read up on your foes abilities
Much like in a MOBA, it’s imperative to know what each hero can do and how they work in order to effectively combat them. The best way to learn the strengths and weaknesses make sure you try playing as each of them at least once, otherwise you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage.
If you’re not willing to go that far (even though you absolutely should) be sure to follow you teammates in spectator mode while you’re waiting to respawn – the knowledge you’ll gain is totally invaluable.