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Home / Features / Promoted: A pick of the three best new apps for students

Promoted: A pick of the three best new apps for students

A University of Sheffield student shares some of her must-have apps for surviving in the uni jungle

Holly Wildish-Jones from the University of Sheffield tells us about the apps she uses to make her student life that little bit easier.

1. mySuperList (£free)

mySupermarket.co.uk released this app earlier this year to help cash-strapped students shop smart. Described as ‘a shopping list on steroids’, you can view real-time prices and offers from all the main supermarkets, search for deals and scan barcodes.

Prepping for a trek to the nearest shops is now quick, easy and more rewarding. It even offers personalised offers and rewards, and lets you share shopping lists. So those lucky so-and-sos whose parents shop for them won’t miss out on their favourite cereal or brand of beans.

Making a grocery list will never be the same again.

2. Any.do: £free

This app is a life saver if you’re that person who constantly misplaces scrappy to-do lists and forgets to pay their bills or work on their seminar prep until the day it’s due.

Any.do is sleek, visually pleasing and so simple to use that even the most disorganised student can spend five minutes every evening tapping in tomorrow’s activities.

Text prediction, voice input and Cloud syncing make this a must-have. Save the trees and make your lists somewhere that you are, hopefully, unlikely to lose them.

3. Sleep If U Can: £1.49

Sleep. Beautiful, wonderful sleep. As students, we either get too much of it (four hour ‘afternoon nap’ anyone?) or not enough, thanks to nights out and deadlines, making it tricky to drag yourself out of bed for that 9am lecture.

Dubbed ‘the World’s Most Annoying Alarm App’, the only way to turn off the alert is to take a photo of the place pictured on the screen of your mobile (such as your sink, or front door). It literally forces you out of bed.

When your mum’s not there to do it, this app will help you emerge from under the covers quicker than you can say ‘snooze’.

All apps available from the App Store or Google Play.

Samsung Ativ Range

Samsung’s ATIV range is packed full of intelligent features for business travellers, students and those on the move.

The devices mean you can consume, create and share content whenever and wherever you are. Holly Wildish-Jones’ blog was written on the ATIV Book 9 Lite, a laptop which boasts a sleek and stylish design at a competitive price.

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