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7 questionable on-stage moments in CES history

Cheer up, Michael Bay. You’re not the first, and unlikely to be the last

Ah CES, that yearly event where tech companies attempt to one-up each other with all manner of circus tricks. Some work. Most don’t.

The weapons in their armouries typically include celebrities, brash brand personalities, and that one variable factor – technology itself. After all, you can’t pay tech to behave.

To make Michael Bay feel a little better about his public gaffe, here are 7 other memorable CES moments in history in no order of fail factor. 

Videos: YouTube, Image: The Sydney Morning Herald

Tweet Choir (Microsoft 2012)

Microsoft celebrated its last keynote at CES with a gospel choir singing choice Microsoft-related tweets. If you look closely at Ryan Seacrest’s face you can actually feel him cringeing. What. Just. Happened?

Best bit: When it ended.

15 years Auto-tuned (Microsoft 2012)

Oh come on, its last keynote wasn’t an utter failure. In fact, this short video sum-up of their 15 years at the tradeshow redeemed them from being banished to the backroom of CES oblivion. Who knew Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer could be that musically inclined?

Best bit: Steve Ballmer’s “Bing!”

Hot mess (Monster 2013)

Hot mess (Monster 2013)

You can always count on Monster to bring the celebrities. 2013 saw a host of dancing kids, a handful of famous personalities like Nick Cannon and Tyson Beckford, and CEO Noel Lee zipping around the whole lot of them on his flame-painted gold-rimmed Segway, on stage at the same time.

Best bit: That badass Segway. We want one.

Image: Cnet

Repeat for emphasis (Micosoft 2012)

Given Steve Ballmer’s penchant for word repetition (who can forget his sweaty overzealous developer warcry?), it should come as no surprise that he repeated that to drive his point home in at the last Microsoft keynote. With his usual effervescence, obviously.

Best bit: Ryan Seacrest’s reaction

Media circus (Qualcomm 2013)

A spectacle of epic proportions featured cameos from Big Bird, a couple of celebs and three stereotypical teenagers to open the act, all of which had seemingly little relevance to the brand’s "Born mobile" message. Sorry but what’s Qualcomm selling again?

Best bit: Nothing like man-baby Steve Ballmer shouting about Microsoft to snap us back to reality.

Talkshow theatrics (Microsoft 2005)

Props to Microsoft for trying out a different presentation format. But Conan O’Brien’s presence probably didn’t help when Bill Gates’ clicking of the remote to pull up a slideshow failed three different times. And then there’s that blue screen of death when program manager Garrett Young tried to demonstrate the wonders of a game. Nice to know that that never fails.

Best bit: Conan O’Brien quipping, “And right now, nine people are being fired.”

Can’t Hank-dle the truth (Sony 2009)

We saved the best for last. It’s a long video, but you’ll love every minute of Tom Hanks’ deadpan delivery and constant veering away from script.

Best bit: “They write the lies but I tell the truth.”

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