Fully Charged: Cortana out for Android, and Rock Band 4 needs Xbox instrument adapter
Our curated selection of top tech news tidbits you need to read this morning

Cortana released for Android
Cortana started life as a character in the Halo games but was repurposed as Microsoft’s virtual assistant on Windows Phones (as pictured) and more recently Windows 10. And if you have an Android phone, you don’t have to miss out on her soothing voice any longer.
Yesterday, Microsoft released Cortana for Android in a public beta version on the Play Store. It’s been in closed beta for a few weeks after accidentally leaking early, and you can even have Android point directly towards Cortana when you hold down your home button.
Cortana is also slated to hit iOS this year as Microsoft continues its recent multiplatform push, but today’s the day to give the Android version a shot – assuming you’re in the United States, that is. Sorry, the beta version is only available there as of this writing.
[Source: Blogging Windows]
Rock Band 4 needs adapter on Xbox One
We knew that Harmonix and Mad Catz planned to get most Rock Band (and other) plastic instrument controllers from PS3 and Xbox 360 to work with the upcoming Rock Band 4 on PS4 and Xbox One (same console lineage only). But there’s a small detail that’s emerged since.
Due to Microsoft changing the wireless connectivity approach on the Xbox One from the last-gen console, that version of Rock Band 4 will require an adapter to use older wireless peripherals. It’ll cost US$20 (about £13), and will be bundled along with the standalone copy of the game on that system. Wired controllers apparently aren’t supported, however.
Meanwhile, on PS4, you can use PS3 wireless controllers, but you’ll need to find the original USB dongle to make them compatible with the new system. But at least the wired controllers are useable there. Confused? Yeah, we don’t blame you. We’ll be updating our Rock Band 4 preview shortly with this new information, but for now, be sure to read it for more on the game and our impressions. And you can catch the latest set list additions in the video above.
[Source: Polygon]
Read More › Rock Band 4 hands-on preview
Video editor coming to GTA5 on consoles
The Rockstar Editor is easily one of the coolest additions to the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V, but Rockstar Games isn’t keeping the video editing tool exclusive to computers for long. The feature will hit the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game next month, along with some enhancements for all three platforms: an ambient audio and sound effects library, for example, along with new fonts and other tweaks.
And Rockstar also promises new gameplay for the Freemode in Grand Theft Auto Online, which will be detailed out soon. If you’re still enjoying this open-world opus, get ready for more!
[Source: Rockstar Newswire]