Fully Charged: Halo on iPhone, Cyanogen aligns with Microsoft, and GTA5 in VR
Friday’s here, but the week isn’t done yet: let our morning news roundup get your day rolling

Friday’s here, but the week isn’t done yet: let our morning news roundup get your day rolling
Microsoft may make another low-end tablet play, this time with decent software included
The post-Sony era continues with a couple of powerful new PC options
All free for the first year for laptops, tablets and smartphones – Microsoft wants to kill fragmentation dead
And traditional desktops become even less necessary for casual computing needs
Not that it’d do you much good – you’ll still need a display (or two) to actually use them
It’s not a beast, but then again, it doesn’t look or cost like one either
So that’s what HP’s bean (sorry) up to over the past few months…
It’s a tale of two extremes as Asus shows off its laptop wares at IFA
The Triad chassis: coming to bring eye-gouging 4K graphics to a spare bedroom near you
Algorithm dramatically smooths out first-person video, and it’s coming to Windows
Turns out there’s more than one tiny computer board around – but Microsoft’s Atom-powered Pi rival can’t match it in every respect…