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Home / News / Movie Classics – The Rocketeer (1991)

Movie Classics – The Rocketeer (1991)

Disney's homage to the pulp adventures of the 1930s failed to launch on release – but as a cult classic it's soared

“How do I look?”

“Like a hood ornament.”

When racing pilot Cliff Secord (Billy Campbell) stumbles upon an experimental rocket pack, he takes to the skies as 1930s crime-fighting hero The Rocketeer. But his exploits attract the attention of others who are after the rocket pack – the gangsters who stole it, Nazi agents who want to use it to create an army of rocket-men, and the device’s inventor, Howard Hughes himself (played by Lost’s Terry O’Quinn).

Pulp fiction

The best superhero film you’ve never heard of, The Rocketeer was based on a retro-styled comic book by Dave Stevens. Like the comic book, the film’s a joyous homage to the glory days of the pulp adventure, with square-jawed heroes, damsels in distress and a scheming villain.

The ridiculously-chiseled Billy Campbell is perfectly cast as Cliff Secord, playing an earnest All-American hero who’s going steady with his best gal and subsists on a diet of cherry pie and coffee down the local diner. Like fellow pulp-homage hero Indiana Jones, Secord gets by more on luck than smarts – and he needs all the luck he can get.

Former James Bond Timothy Dalton is clearly having the time of his life chewing up the screen as villainous actor-turned-fifth-columnist Neville Sinclair. Modelled on Errol Flynn, he cuts a rakish dash as he woos Secord’s girlfriend Jenny while plotting the downfall of the free world.

Profile image of Stephen Graves Stephen Graves Online Deputy Editor


Film buff, gadget geek and winner of Stuff's coveted "Most likely to be Barry Norman's lovechild," award, Stephen divides his affections equally between iOS and Android.

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