Creative Zen Microphoto review
Creative’s Zen Microphoto matches the Nano’s 1.5in screen and doubles memory capacity to 8GB. Not bad for a little ’un.

The Microphoto matches the Nano’s 1.5in screen size and what it messes up in size – at 115g it’s a bulkier machine – it makes up for in memory: 8GB.
Feature-packed portable entertainmentThe bundle includes a pair of white buds, the usual USB hook-ups, plus Creative’s proprietary music management software – second only to iTunes when it comes to ease of use.
The Microphoto is also compatible with Napster’s £15-a-month Napster To Go subscription service. Add an FM radio, a microphone, plus the option to sync with your PC’s Outlook program and you have a well-stacked machine.
Big and gutsy
You also have a damn fine-sounding player. Helped by some excellent buds, the Creative belts out tunes with gutsy drive and big bass. Even the tuner sounds decent, offering good signal strength. Its Vertical Touch Pad system also means one-handed use is an option.
The easily removable, rechargeable battery means you need never run out of juice – simply buy an extra cell, and keep the spare topped up until you need to switch.
Creative knows what it’s doing and the Zen Microphoto is one of its best ever machines. In MP3 world, it’s survival of the fittest… watch the Microphoto thrive.