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Home / News / Aurous is a one-stop-shop for all of the internet’s free music – and it’s getting sued

Aurous is a one-stop-shop for all of the internet’s free music – and it’s getting sued

Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud and more, all rolled into one app? Try it while you can

A new music streaming app has caused quite a stir online, promising access to millions of songs, for absolutely free.

Aurous pulls in music from numerous streaming services, including YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud and more. It also uses peer-to-peer BitTorrent client networking to stream (not download) music found in existing playlists and video players.

Creator Andrew Sampson has used more than 120 public APIs to gather together the vast track library, and stresses that the ad-free service isn’t illegal, as it only pulls in licensed music.

That, of course, hasn’t stopped the recording Industry Assoiciation of America (RIAA) from filing a lawsuit however, on the grounds that the service pulls in music from illegal BitTorrent sources.

As things stand, the service is still available from Arous’ website, but there’s no telling when or if it will be pummelled into oblivion by a judge’s gavel. 

[via Wired]

Profile image of Esat Dedezade Esat Dedezade Contributor


Esat has been a gadget fan ever since his tiny four-year-old brain was captivated by a sound-activated dancing sunflower. From there it was a natural progression to a Sega Mega Drive, a brief obsession with hedgehogs, and a love for all things tech. After 7 years as a writer and deputy editor for Stuff, Esat ventured out into the corporate world, spending three years as Editor of Microsoft's European News Centre. Now a freelance writer, his appetite for shiny gadgets has no bounds. Oh, and like all good human beings, he's very fond of cats.

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