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Home / Reviews / Morphy Richards Ordio DAB Rewind review

Morphy Richards Ordio DAB Rewind review

The Morphy Richards Ordio DAB Rewind will record and playback live radio and comes with 24 presets

Morphy Richards’ venture into the DAB radio market allows you to record and playback live radio but, sadly, it doesn’t double as an iron.

And why is that a shame? Well, if you burn your fingers on the Ordio Rewind you might wish you had splashed the cash on an iron after all: as it is, it’s hardly worth plugging in.

For a relatively expensive piece of kit it still feels cheap and, despite the 24 presets, it records for only a miserly 10 minutes.

To top off the overpriced mediocrities, it also sounds hard and uncompromising. Thanks but no thanks.

Stuff Says…

Score: 2/5

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